
Jewish Story

Read this long back, love this one Two men were fighting over a piece of land. Each claimed ownership and bolstered his claim with apparent proof. To resolve their differences, they agreed to put the case before the rabbi. the rabbi listened but could not come to a...

Mass production is a mass disaster

Mass production is a mass disaster

Mass production is a mass disaster. Simple and straightforward example of the title of this article is our current method of our vegetable growing, marketing and consumption. As we all know that we are eating slow poison every day. most of us know this and we still do...

The trouble with abstract thought…

The trouble with abstract thought…

I read these below lines long back and found recently, these lines have evoked a lot of thoughts within me. The trouble with abstract thought is that the concepts we play within our minds often become preferred to the real upon which these concepts were originally...

Why we create Garbage…

Why we create Garbage…

Everything is part of the cycle of life, including our food. Our food has a certain time span, after that its starts smell bad. Before that one should not waste the food we prepare which is a common seance. But the city food systems waste lot of food for many reasons....

