On the evening of 17 April Uncle Simon, Jordan, Shaun and Daniel sat down in the restaurant at Kirinda Beach Resort after their flight from Singapore. Guides Nico and Daniel greeted them at their table and the discussions about the fishing took off like a launched rocket.

We started off telling them exactly what we tell all clients – Forget all that you know about GT fishing from before! Uncle Simon, whom we have the utmost respect for, showed us what a hard working angler looks like & took this advice on very well even though he has fished for GT since the late 80s.

The next morning, they loaded their Ripple Fisher and Carpenter rods together with their Shimano Stella and Daiwa reels on to the boat. “Smelling” the sea, Nico instructed the group that due to current and surface activity, jigging was going to be better in the early hours while popping would give the results in the afternoon.

Agreeing to the terms and conditions the jigs where dropped and the fish came up. One after the other the hard fighting Bludger and Malabar Trevally came to the surface. Daniel managed to hook in to a beautiful Rosy Jobfish that had been hanging around in the deep water, waiting for a snack. As the morning continued Jordan also managed to set his hooks in to the mouth of an angry Dogtooth tuna hitting his jig in mid water.

Afternoon arrives and so does the popping! Craft bait GT3 and Shell Shaping Manatee fly like canons through the sky and suddenly Shaun hooks in to his first GT. Experiencing equipment failure due to locked drag, the GT breaks Shaun’s line during the strike and Shaun remains a GT-virgin on popping. Although a bitter end to a short fight for Shaun the first day results in 17 landed fish out of 32 bites.

The next two days continued with only popping and the action keeps going as the drift is always good. Having close to 30 bites in the boat divided over the four guys, Shaun finally was able to land his first GT on popper and soon established an impressive personal record of 30kg!
Bringing Micro jigging gear, they also have some good fun catching Blue Trevally, Grouper, Emperor, Queenfish and GT.

Having just two days left of the trip; the guys decide to go all out on popping. Uncle Simon had been experiencing some bad luck during the trip so far and it would hold on. Just Next to the boat, Simon’s Craft bait GT3 literary gets sucked in to the mouth of a massive GT and displays itself almost in slow motion. Unfortunately the hooks don’t set and we all knew that this would have been the fish of the trip.
The day ends on 18 bites.

On the last day we set off early trying to avoid the stronger winds predicted for the afternoon. On our second spot of the morning the action starts. This day seems to be Daniel’s day as he has hits on his stickbait Melon Ya Spirits from all directions. Daniel also misses a nice take from a King Mackerel as it flew through the air after taking the stick bait. Not being able to strike fast enough we saw the Mackerel spit out the bait in mid air and then swim away. Two big fish were lost for Daniel and Uncle Simon, much due to slack line when trying to strike but overall it was a great trip and we look forward having you guys back whether it will be in Kirinda, Trincomalee or the Andamans!

Tight lines


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