We received 5 Japanese buddies: Hidetaka, Yutaka, Sakurai, Masato and Yuichiro for 3 days GT fishing in Kirinda, Sri Lanka. Hidetaka works for one of the famous tackle shop chains in Japan: Sansui and had come with some excellent Japanese tackle.

The first day’s weather was perfect: calm sea, sunny, light breeze and the water colour was blue. When we arrived close to the reef, we saw some birds and bonito jumping everywhere. On the first drift a sailfish followed the lures and came close to the boat but didn’t bite. On the reef there were lots of schools of bait but the predators were lurking further afield at the limit of the drop off. Most of the GT’s were small (around 10-15 kg) but gave some action during the day. The biggest fish was caught by Sakurai a decent 20 kg+ GT. That day the lure that got the most bites was the Yambal GT Harrier in Fusilier colour. Yutaka had brought along a light jigging rod with him for when he was tired of casting for big GT.

The next two days brought a change of weather condition with cloud and a strong west wind (quite unexpected and very unusual at this time of year). Personally, I like wind in Kirinda, it makes the fishing a little bit technical but choppy seas make the GT more aggressive and big ones were coming to the top of the reef to chase poppers. In these sea condition it’s best to use poppers that make a strong pop, like the Hammer Head G-Cup. Once again it was Sakurai with a Craft Bait GT2 who caught the biggest fish of the day, a very nice 130 cm length GT. The fish were very active around the bait schools for these last two days. They were a decent 10 – 15 kg, not big, but they kept our anglers busy with a total of 20 bites on the last day.

The guys were very happy with their first fishing trip in Sri Lanka and have told us that they’ll be back next season for some more action in Kirinda. We’re looking forward to it.

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