We had Ben Lai, Patsy Fung, Bill Chu and Kam Chan from Hong Kong join us for a couple of days fishing. We are just kicking off Round Two of our season here after the winter weather and we were lucky to have some great days out as well as a couple of windy ones. The Ocean current pushed in nice and close from about day 2 bringing clean blue water to the reefs which is generally a good sign even though it can make the GTs a bit temperamental. We raised a lot of fish each day mostly having tentative bites from smaller fish but there were a few monster hits that we unfortunately missed with the guys only capitalising on 2 big hits and putting 20 to 25 kilo fish on the deck.

The group were very focused on top water fishing and only brought one other light setup which provided a lot of fun when someone wanted to take a break. Catching a variety of species such as Yellow dot Trevally, Lady Fish, Maori Perch and Bluefin Trevally. We also landed the biggest Maori Perch I’ve ever seen on a Carpenter Pandora which was a great surprise. Kirinda has a lot to offer besides the GTs as we see on almost every trip out and we unlock more and more on every trip.


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