Day 1

On the 1st of March, 9 keen anglers from Japan and Singapore came on board our two boats “Rampageous” and “No Limit” to join us for 3 days of GT hunting in Kirinda waters.

Just exiting the harbor, Rampageous had a small electrical matter, so all the anglers went over to the No Limit boat for the day.

Arriving on the spot, the sea greeted us with a flat surface, gin clear water and no wind.
Hoping for a small breeze we knew the fishing was going to be difficult without wind and drift.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the Weather Gods heard our prayers, bringing us wind and with it came the fish. In just the last two hours of fishing, the group managed 15 bites with 6 fish inside the boat, including a nice 35kg GT for Japanese Daiwa angler Ichinokawa.

Meanwhile the mechanics worked all night and got Rampageous back into perfect running order for the next morning.

Day 2

With both boats heading out on the calm, sun kissed Indian Ocean, the anglers quickly found a new technique for the Kirinda waters, using stick baits. This is normally a “no go” in these waters as the waters are usually quite colored, but at this time the Ocean was clear like a swimming pool, making it easy for the GT to spot the stick baits such as, Carpenter Gamma, Daiwa Dorado Slider Meister, CBONE RODEO on the surface.

Yamamoto San caught a very nice African Pompano while Inagawa missed a huge King Mackerel

Terada hooked a big GT slowly taking line over the reef. Unfortunately the fish went for the rocks as so many times before, snapping the line. This is a reminder to not bring a leader thinner than 140-200lbs.

The day ended with 22 bites and 5 landed fish.

Day 3

The last day went as the previous two days with a slow start before lunch.
Kaneda, fishing on No Limit had a spectacular bite from a huge fish of +40kg, showing everybody in the boat it’s pig sized head. Just after the bite, the hook pulled and the line went slack.

Day three produced 29 bites with 9 fish landed.

The group will be joining us again for the next season in the hunt for big GT!

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