We had returning friends from Bangalore coming to fish with us for the fourth time and the group consisted of Sahadev, Moncho, Yasin, Ravi, Mahesh, Sukrith, Ikshu, Vishnu, Naveen and Vivek. It was to be a general fishing trip with bits of casting, trolling and bait fishing thrown in. A lot of these guys had their first experience popping and jigging with us and there were some guys on this trip for whom this was to be the first time fishing off a boat and going head-to-head with a GT. For those who fish fresh water, catching even a small GT is an experience to be reckoned with.

A lot of the first day was spent getting the guys used to casting the big poppers and working them correctly, keeping clear of each other, covering water and showing them what to look for when casting while at the same time trying to get them to get distance and accuracy into their casts.
Moncho had secretly prepared himself for the trip and was rearing to go. He kept casting while the others felt the rigors of casting for long periods especially when the activity was slow.

After the misses that inevitably happen with first timers all the guys had got their first GT and knew what to expect we could move to some of the spots known to hold the bigger fish. Moncho got a good cast into an eddy just inside the main current, he had a big GT explode onto the lure and grab it. On the second attempt, he set the hook well and the boat was maneuvered out into deeper water. After a bit of encouragement, ribbing and boat maneuvering he landed his personal best GT.
The other guys all got their share of the action with lots of hits and species landed both on casting and trolling.

Sukrith got his first cast of the day smashed by a huge Barracuda that was over 5.5 feet long when landed.There were lots of huge barracuda about and they were chomping all the smaller fish into bits apart from hooking themselves on whatever lures were put out.

With both the boats going out together there was a lot of ribbing as to who had got the biggest fish and which boat had the better anglers. Vishnu had out a dead bait on the drift which was picked up by something very large that made off at high speed at near full drag before it busted off on the sharp corals of the depths. The trolling sessions provided a good break for the guys between spots when the energy levels were down and provided numerous species and a nice GT for Sahadev.

The group had a great time which was made better by the evening food and chat sessions, all in all a great fishing trip with lots of good times.

Tight Lines!

Tackle Used
Saltywater Racepoint 150, 200, 250 Trolling Rods Calstar and Shimano Backbone
Reels: Shimano Stella, Saragosa
Lures: Cubera, Craftbait, Orion, Rapala X Rap

Species Caught
GT, Dogtooth, Jobfish, Blue spot Grouper, Wahoo, Dorado, Yellowfin Tuna, Barracuda

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