As some of you might know, we fished with Volkmar and Hendrik earlier this season. On this same trip we also had Alex fishing with us who was out on his first GT fishing trip in the Andaman Islands.

Alex arrived a day late but in time to make it to the boats for the first day of fishing. After an express check in to the guesthouse we helped him prepare his tackle on the boat as we headed South to some of our favorite fishing grounds.  It wasn’t much later before we were in to some fish and it was business as usual.

GT for Alex

Alex landed a pretty good GT on popper which was followed by a Red Bass.

Red Bass

The next day we headed East to fish a couple of Islands at the Southern most tip of Ritchie’s Archipelago. Conditions were trying but we still managed to land our fair share of GT by switching to sinking stick baits.

GT day 2

Alex also landed a fantastic looking coral trout on stick bait.

Coral Trout

While fishing a distant island in the South, we had a excellent day of fishing with over 30 fish hooked, landed and released.


By now Alex was becoming a pro at hooking GT on surface lures and did pretty well. Below Alex putting the brakes on a GT headed straight down for the reef.

Brakes on GT

Another GT for Alex

We had numerous double hook ups as the fish were not shy to come up and smash a popper. One interesting pair of fish we landed from the same bait school was a Black GT and a brightly colored Blue Fin Trevally. We are very fortunate to be blessed with a prolific population of Trevally in our waters.

Double Hookup

Here Alex is fighting another fish caught off a shallow reef.

Fighting GT on reef

More GT's for Alex

Below Alex with a brightly lit up and fierce looking Red Bass. As mentioned in previous posts, we have a healthy population of Red Bass and they don’t shy away from poppers and stick baits. They fight pretty hard and often take anglers by surprise by their ferocity. These fish also happen to look spectacular in real life and in photographs.

Bright Red Bass

While fishing a reef close to a passage between two islands that have a ripping current Alex hooked into the fish of the trip for him. The first few seconds after hooking up his reel screamed as line poured off it. It wasn’t long before he managed to stop the fish from reefing him. The next couple of minutes involved a brutal tug of war to subdue this fish. After a few quick photographs we released this GT back to the reef it came from.

Fish of the Trip 1

Fish of the trip 2

Fish of the trip 3

First time anglers to the Andaman Islands often under estimate the strength and power of a GT. Standard hooks and split rings do not hold up to the job and have to be changed. Below is a photograph that proves just this.

Tackle Punishment


Alex posing with his new found love. On this trip, the Carpenter Zeus proved to be worth all the fuss. This stick bait did pretty well in choppy conditions when poppers failed to deliver.

Carpenter Zeus

We are looking forward to fishing with Alex again in January 2016 and taking him out for a week of good fishing. Alex travelled to us as a single angler and will be doing so again. We have put aside some good dates for single angler trips where we hope to put together groups of anglers in the Andaman Islands.

The dates are:

  • October 7th to 12th 2015
  • December 5th to 10th 2015
  • January 18th to 23rd 2016
  • May 7th to 12th 2016

email: to book your place